Lymphatic Drainage

(with Endosphere or Manual Therapy)


Lymphatic drainage is a manual massage technique that works on the lymphatic system, stimulating it to work quickly by moving the lymph to the lymph nodes [throughout your body, but largely located in your neck, armpits, and groin.

The lymphatic system is a crucial part of your immune system. Through a network of hundreds of lymph nodes, it drains fluid called lymph to be transported back into your bloodstream. It also removes bodily waste and carries white blood cells that help prevent infection.

Endosphères Therapy is a technology that uses an innovative Compressive Microvibration system. A treatment that, through a roller device composed of 55 silicon spheres, generates low-frequency mechanical vibrations. 

The Endosphères treatment produces:  Pain Relief, Lymphatic Drainage, Action on the Vascular System

    • Stimulates blood circulation and tissue regeneration
    • Directs and increases lymphatic flow, promoting faster removal of excess interstitial fluid
    • Improves the immune system due to the important elimination of toxins. The lymphatic system plays an integral role in the immune functions of the body and is the first line of defense against disease.
    • Promotes body and mental relaxation
    • Provides an overall lightness in the body
    • Energizes the body 
    • Endosphères Therapy stimulates mechanoreceptors and works on inflammation. The treatment also releases endorphins which helps in the relief of pain.
    • Endosphères Therapy improves microcirculation in the treatment area, which has a restorative effect on the vascular system. This increase in microcirculation increases metabolism which helps improve the exchange between the vascular and lymphatic systems.
  • Degenerative joint diseases
  • Wear and tear conditions such as osteoarthritis (knees, hips, hands, shoulders, elbows, herniated discs, spondylarthrosis)
  • Pain treatment
  • Chronic pain to include back pain, lumbago, tension, radiculopathy
  • Sports injuries
  • Chronic inflammation of tendons and joints, tendon overuse syndromes, inflammation of the pubic bone


Lymphatic drainage is a manual massage technique that works on the lymphatic system, stimulating it to work quickly by moving the lymph to the lymph nodes [throughout your body, but largely located in your neck, armpits, and groin].

The lymphatic system is a crucial part of your immune system. Through a network of hundreds of lymph nodes, it drains fluid called lymph to be transported back into your bloodstream. It also removes bodily waste and carries white blood cells that help prevent infection.
Endosphères Therapy is a technology that uses an innovative Compressive Microvibration system. A treatment that, through a roller device composed of 55 silicon spheres, generates low-frequency mechanical vibrations. This acts on the main causes of cellulite; lymphatic stasis, the retention of fluids, and the build-up of fat cells. 
The Endosphères treatment produces five synergistic actions: Lymphatic Drainage, Body Contouring, Muscle Toning
Our treatments are effective on the whole body, from your forehead to your feet, and tackle everything from cellulite reduction to muscle toning*.

  • Minimizes the appearance of cellulite by reducing the amount of fluid that presses up against the cross-hatched fibers beneath your skin
  • Reduces swelling and water retention
  • Endosphères Therapy uses the muscle as active resistance for the treatment, improving muscle tone. Clients with good muscle tone will see results more quickly, whereas those without muscle tone will still see results, just a bit slower.
  • Endosphères Therapy uses the muscle as active resistance. The wave of localized vibration breaks down fibrociceptors which allows for compression and stimulation of fatty areas.
  • Cellulite Reduction
  • Muscle Toning
  • Collagen/Elastin Production
  • Body Contouring
  • Reduction of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduction of bloating and fluid retention
  • Reduction of excess fibrous tissue
  • Cellulite is an aesthetic pathology which affects an estimated 90% of women, and some men.
    ● Cellulite is characterised by a dimpling of the skin caused by fatty tissue pushing through the fibrous bands, called septae, that connect
    skin to muscle.
    ● Cellulite is far more common in women than men due to the difference in the structure of our connective tissues.